School of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategies in 2022 every Marketer Should Know

By Rohit Shelwante


Table of Contents

Digital Marketing Strategies in 2024 every Marketer Should Know

By Rohit Shelwante

Updated on: Oct 9, 2023


Table of Contents

  1. Social Media Marketing Strategies

    Every business knows—of finds out the hard way—that if you want to build premium value and/or customer loyalty into you product you have to start by building a strong brand, and be true to the promise of that brand. Social Media is made for this. How you do it depends entirely on your audience and your brand’s personality, i.e. are you a fun, irreverent brand or a formal one, are you sincere in your tone or authoritative? Understanding these aspects will inform your style of social media messaging too. Once you have this down, you need to flesh out your target audience: who they are, where they live, how they live; likes & dislikes, aspirations and fears…and use this in your messaging.

The next step is to create clear buckets or categories for your posts, following this, chart out an event calendar. Make sure you have a team of collaborators/contributors from your client’s side.

Social Media marketing can also help you generate leads, build a following or subscriber base your newsletters, video channels, blog, etc.

Freebies, like e-books and webinars are a good way to generate interest.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube offer a number of ways to do this: from passive posting to active post promotion or advertising to hosting live-streamed sessions that anyone worldwide can attend free.

Social media has emerged as one of the most potent weapons in the digital marketing arsenal. Whether you’re looking to leverage content marketing, influence strategies, email marketing or affiliate marketing, you just can’t ignore social media marketing.

So, is Social Media Marketing a good career in 2021. We think so. But it is just one of the many careers that digital marketing offers. Like to know more? Read our post on: Best Digital Marketing Career Opportunities in 2021

Influence Marketing Strategies

Influences marketing has become an increasingly valuable tool in the digital marketeer’s toolbox and the trend is set to grow further. The reasons are quite obvious. As a consumer, you can relate better to someone you trust rather than a celebrity. So, recommendations, product placements, reviews from such a person is far more likely to work that a blanket celebrity endorsement, which everyone knows is a cash-for-eyes proposition. Nevertheless, you still need a strategy to leverage influencers. Use this 9-step roadmap for a great influencer marketing strategy.

  1. Define your goals and KPIs
  2. Understand which influencers in your industry will work best for your segment
  3. Find and research your shortlisted influencers
  4. Make a connection & nurture the relationship…don’t just jump in with a request to promote your product, even if it is for a financial consideration
  5. Define your approach to use the influencers
  6. Set goals & establish KPIs
  7. Understand influencer landscape in your industry
  8. Research influencers
  9. Build your strategy—combination of owned, earned, paid promotions, build relationships

Email Marketing Strategies

Despite the many prophesies of its impending demise, email marketing continues to rule. Industry estimates rank it second, with response rates just behind social media marketing. But many users continue to declaim its worth. The problem is not with email but with the planning and execution of  their campaigns.

So what’s the right way to build an effective email strategy? Here are 10 steps no email marketeer should skip.

  1. Define your goals
  2. Build your email list—try to do it organically, rather than buying a ready made one; and update it regularly
  3. Segment the lists—as per your audience (demographic, user behavior, purchase frequency)
  4. Write compelling subject-lines
  5. Decide on the ideal tone for your content
  6. Create immersive designs
  7. Test your emails and modify as needed
  8. Schedule your emails to take advantage of your audience’s daily schedules
  9. Design your emails to be responsive—esp for mobile devices
  10. Make it simple to unsubscribe from your list

Strategies for Blogging & Content Marketing

Blogging and Content Marketing are two branches of the same tree. To climb up one, you must be nimble with the other. A good blogger needs to have a strong understanding in his chosen niche, with a fluid communication style that readers can appreciate. But it’s not enough to write or create great content, if you can’t get them out in front of your audience and if they don’t evoke the right response.

These are the four core elements of a robust strategy:

  1. Define your brand and its positioning. This means understanding who your customers (existing & potential) are and your own value proposition, brand promise and personality, etc.; what sort of experience they would appreciate; your competition and what they are doing to market their brand
  2. Set out your owned media value proposition: I.e. why should your audience consume your content rather than your competitors?
  3. Align your content strategy with your business goals. If your content marketing doesn’t help accomplish business goals, it is just an indulgence
  4. Build a strategy: this begins with auditing you existing content & re-defining you content goals—use S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting frameworks; define your audience and understand them thoroughly—what they think, feel, aspirations, fears; how they behave; who do they talk to or listen to; the environment they interact with; chart out an editorial calendar and create your content—this should be repurposed so it’s native to as many media channels as possible, finally distribute the content using owned, earned and paid media. This means identifying the best channels for your goals, so you can budget your resources wisely.

Search Engine Optimization Marketing Strategies

At is most basic, SEO refers to everything you do do improve the visibility of your site—this means improving the volume and quality of the traffic your website receives from Search engines. A byproduct of this is the ranking your webpage/s enjoy.

From this reference point, we can say that an effective SEO strategy involves the process of planning and executing steps to improve search engine ranking; as follows:

  • Create the ideal keyword list
  • Analyze the First Page for your search terms
  • Use the first and second step to create original, high quality, high value content
  • Optimize your on-page SEO—yes, back links, but there are many more things you can do… read our article on how to power your on-page SEO, for granular information you can use.
  • Optimize your content to satisfy search intent. This basically means: understand what problem your audience is trying to solve when he searches using your targeted search string/keyword/s.
  • Design you content so it looks attractive—use typography, graphs, charts, etc.
  • Build links to your page
  • Keep updating your content so it remains fresh

Pay-per-click (PPC) Strategies

An effective ppc strategy aims to enhance ppc returns, i.e. the returns you can expect for every rupee you spend on advertising costs. There are some proven strategies to help you maximize your returns while minimizing your ad-spends.

  1. Don’t limit yourself to just Google Ads
  2. Leverage re marketing. Why? Because statistics show that anyone who has browsed your webpage is more likely to do business with you than your customer (unless your customer is pursuing an even more aggressive remarketing strategy).
  3. Use ad extensions aggressively—e. message extensions, call extensions, price extensions
  4. Design for mobile
  5. Expand your target to include lookalike and similar audiences
  6. Don’t restrict your budget
  7. Create compelling ad copy
  8. Test your ads (A/B testing)
Try putting these ppc strategies to work as soon as possible. They can help you completely revamp your ad campaigns and boost response rates.

Strategies for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to add a passive income stream to your earnings. And if you do it correctly, this side hustle can easily turn into a major money spinner. All you need to do is create compelling content that enthuses your audience into buying the product or service you’re promoting. But before you can do this, you have to grow your audience bank and earn their trust. Here are some strategies to help you accomplish that:

  1. Create high quality reviews, which you can share as blog posts or videos
  2. Leverage social media
  3. Host webinars to reach your audience and tell them more about the product
  4. Use email marketing (see the section above for some tips to do this effectively)
  5. Advertise using ppc campaigns
  6. Push promotional offers, discounts and deals
  7. Create a dedicated page that showcases all the merchants/products you’re promoting as an affiliate


It must be clear by now that while there are many, many digital marketing routes to build a robust income stream, they are all interlinked to some extent or the other. So by all means, specialize in the one that takes you fancy the most, but do ensure you’re sufficiently proficient in allied digital marketing disciplines and platforms. A good way to start with by enrolling in a digital marketing training program by a reputed school of digital marketing. On the other hand you can jump right in and get started, and once you’ve acquired a bit of experience, join an advanced program so you can leapfrog right into the top ranks.

Premium School of Digital Marketing offers a variety of specialized short-term digital marketing courses as well as comprehensive longer duration ones. Plus, our faculty is entirely constituted of industry professionals who are happy to mentor students and guide them in their own entrepreneurial efforts

And that’s it!! Best of Luck

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